How to add employees to the workpay system Step by step on how to add a single employee to the Workpay System both single employee, bulk upload and using the Onboarding link.
This menu item enables you to create a new employee record to the list of employees, It can be accessed following the below steps.
Click on Employees on the Main Menu, an expanded option will be displayed.
Click on employees from the list of options displayed.
Click on Add Employee
The page that is being displayed on clicking this menu item is a tabbed form wizard with Personal Profile, Employment Profile, Payment details and Contact Details tabs.
Personal Profile
These are information that pertains to employee bio-data information
Employment Profile
These details pertains the official information of an employee. It include but not limited to department, designation and branch in which employee is based in(Head office if no branch), employment date, off days and salary details, and contract details
In Employment Profile there are the following information.
Employment Type: This is either permanent, internship, casual or commission.
Employment Start Date-The exact date that an employee joined the company.
Basic salary: What an employee is being paid as per the frequency of his/her payment.
Off Days: Days of the week in which an employee is not supposed to report to work. It can take zero or more than one value.
Daily hours: These are the number of hours that makes an employee a normal day.
Salary Currency-Here you are able to select which currency will be used to pay the employee.
Payment Details
This is a tab where employee payment and statutory information are set . In essence salary information, statutory contribution(NHIF, NSSF, PAYE), Tax exemption and Salary Processing(Payment) Options which is either (Cash, Bank Transfer, Mobile or Cheque).
Contact Details
This is a declaration of physical address, social media links and next of kin and Referees.
Add Employees in Bulk
This menu item is used for importing bulk employees from an excel file template provided for you on a link on that page. The template has fields that are deemed mandatory for the system to run seamlessly as shown below.
Select Bulk Import, Select the country to include in the template the download the data template
The instructions are on the template. Ensure to remove the notes before uploading.Those are the only fields you would require to onboard employees to the system
Adding Employee using the Onboarding Link
Click on "Add Employee" button.
Click on "send invite link" option.
Pick the Employment Type, then type the first and Last Name and add the email that the link will be send.
Click on Send invite link.