Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

OKR Settings

When starting out with OKRs, you can outline the following under settings:

Fiscal Year:
The month that marks the beginning of your fiscal year.

Review Cycle:
This outlines how often you want to review the OKRs in your organization. You can select from Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually, and Annually.

How often will employees be reminded via email to update their OKRs? You can turn this off by selecting Never.


Viewing OKRs
OKRs are sorted according to the level at which it is assigned, making it easy to find what you’re looking for. The levels include Personal (under My OKRs), Department, and Company-wide as shown below.

Creating Objectives

  1. Navigate to any of the 3 OKR lists; My OKRs, Department OKRs or All OKRs.
  2. On the top right of the list (see Image 2.0 above), click “Add New Objective”. You will be directed to the Objective Creation Form shown below.


The information to be filled in the form is outlined below.

1. Objective name - give your objective a descriptive name.
2. Parent objective - objectives can be nested. In case the one you are creating falls under a 3. wider objective, enter the wider objective in this field.
3. Objective scope - select whether the objective is at the level of an individual contributor, a department or the entire organization. Keep in mind that no matter the level selected, the Objective will always be assigned an owner (field 5).
4. Department allocation - you are only provided with this option if the Objective created is assigned to the department level.
5. Owner - this is the person who is responsible for the Objective.
6. Review period.
a). Year - the fiscal year that the OKR is active.
b). Review cycle - the review cycle in which the OKR is active. Based on the review cycle selected under OKR settings, it will show the Quarters, Months, etc that are in the fiscal year selected.
c). Start and End Dates - the exact period the OKR is active. It can either fall within or outside the review period selected.
7. Privacy setting.
a). Public - the OKR is visible company wide.
b). Private - the OKR is visible only to the owner and the creator.
8. Recurrence.
(a). You can set the Objective to recur in another review cycle period. In this case, only the Objective will recur, but you will need to create new Key Results.

(b). Additionally, you can set any Key Result attached to the Objective to recur as well.

(c). When recurrence is turned on, you will be prompted to provide the Review Cycle that the OKRs will recur in.

9. You can create Key Results for the Objective by selecting “Add Key Results Here”. Both the Objective and Key Result will be saved at the same time. We cover creating Key Results in more detail in the next section.

Creating Key Results

As noted in the section on creating Objectives, you can create Key Results as you create Objectives. You can also create new Key Results by selecting “Create a New Key Result” (shown below).
Whichever method you choose, you will be directed to the OKR creation which we will discuss below.

1. Parent objective - the objective under which the Key Result you’re creating falls.
2. Key result name - provide a descriptive name for your key result.
3. Key result type:
(a). Percentages and Numbers require that you set a starting and number, as seen in image 5.0.
(b). Currency requires that you select currency first before the Start and End date


(c). When Binary is selected, then your options when updating OKRs will either be Complete or Not Complete.

4. Start and end values - when Percentage, Number, or Currency is selected, you are required to enter the start and end values for the OKR.
(a). Note that the start value does not have to be 0.
(b). The end value is unlimited.
5. Key result owner - this is the person who is responsible for the key result.

OKR Actions



On the OKR list, each Objective and Key Result has an actions menu (three vertical dots) that contains the following actions:

  1. View - see all the details of the Objective or Key Result.
    1. The view drawer also contains the activity trail which records all updates on an OKR.

2. Edit - change the details of the Objective or Key Result.
3. Delete - remove the OKR completely.
4. Close - the OKR will not accept any more updates. An OKR can be closed at any point.