Salary Advance Module

How to Navigate the Salary Advance Module

Company funded salary advances:

Requesting a Salary Advance:

1. Login to your account and navigate to Salary Advance



2. Click on New Advance to request for a salary Advance. The screen below will be displayed:



Fill in the required information as shown above and click on Save


3. The screen below will be displayed:



4. The requested salary advance will appear on the requested tab until approved by the assigned approver. Once approved, it will appear in the approved tab as shown below:



Once disbursed and paid to the designated account, and the applicant is notified, then the status will change from Not Paid to Paid as shown below:



Approving/ Disapproving a Salary Advance Request:


1. Login to your account and navigate to Payroll> Salary Advance:



2. Click on the vertical ellipses on the respective name of the applicant’s salary advance that needs to be actioned as shown below:



There are options to Edit, Approve, Disapprove or Delete the Salary Advance Request. The below screens will be displayed respectively for the the user to confirm their actions before finalizing on their action:


Editing: Edit the element that needs to be edited and click on Save changes



Approving: Click on Approve to confirm action



Disapproving: Type in the reason for disapproving the request and click on Disapprove to confirm action



To Issue a salary Advance:


1. Navigate to Payroll > Salary Advance



2. Click on Issue Advance (right side of the screen as shown above) The screen below will be displayed. Fill in the required information and click on Save


3. The initiated salary advance issuance will appear under the list of salary advance requests pending approval:



4. To Approve, click on the vertical ellipses against the name of the employee and click on approve.



5. The screen below will appear. Click on Approve to finalize the action:



6. To pay the employee, go to the approved tab and select the employee to be paid, then click on Pay as shown below



7. The screen below will be displayed: Click on Pay to confirm your action


8. You will be redirected to the payments screen where you can finalize on the payment



Workpay Funded Salary Advance:


Requesting a salary Advance


1. Login to your account and navigate to Salary Advance




2. Click on New Advance to request for a salary Advance. The screen below will be displayed:



3. Enter the required information as shown above and click on Save. The below screen will be displayed after a successful salary advance request is completed:


A text message will also be sent to the applicant’s phone number, informing them of a successfully created salary advance request.


4. The status of the salary advance request will remain as pending as shown above until the designated approver(s) approve/ reject the request.


Issuing a salary Advance:


1. Login to your account and navigate to Payroll > Salary Advance



2. Click on Issue Advance on the right side of the screen. The screen below will be displayed:



3. Enter the required details as shown above and click on Save. The initiated salary advance will appear in the list of salary advances pending approval as shown below:



4. To action the initiated salary advance click on the Actions button. The screen below will be displayed:



5. Select the action you wish to proceed with. To approve, select Approve. Then confirm your action as shown below:



The initiated salary advance will now appear under the Approved tab as shown below:



An amortization schedule is also displayed, showing how much will be paid back by the employee every month:



This will then be approved by the admin and disbursed to the applicant.